Sunday, June 14, 2020

Gender Identity Development Research Assignment Papaer - 550 Words

Gender Identity Development Research Assignment Papaer (Essay Sample) Content: TransgenderNameInstitutionGender Identity DevelopmentGender identity development is the process where humans learn as toddlers or preschool at the first stage of gender development. The children at the second stage learn the describable characteristics and the interaction aspects of their gender and finally, gender identity being reinforced in them. This can be in the form of transgender, bisexual, among other forms of gender. The gender that is of concern, in this case, is transgender, which refers to an individual whose gender identity and expression do not align with their assigned sex.The first article relates to the gender identity development in that, the article is about a case in a North Carolina about a state law which proposes to stop transgender people from using bathrooms in government buildings and public schools that is similar to the transgender orientation. Transgender, in this case, are the people whose gender characteristics, personality traits do no t follow those that are related to the gender to which they were allocated at birth (Morgan, 2013).The transgender sometimes accepts their status feelings; others feel ashamed or confused and dissatisfied with the gender assigned to them at birth (Schuster et al, 2016). Because of this, the transgender requires treatment that is gender-assuring to eliminate discrimination or violence that they may encounter in these facilities so as to protect their privacy. The relationship of the article and the gender identity development is that both act to make aware and protect the gender orientation of the individuals privacy.Gender identity development should encourage learning of gender orientation to use the public bathroom or restroom relating to their sex as at birth. However, laws like North Carolinas, give the perception that the transgender is not recognized at workplaces or schools thereby strengthening the fear, prejudice, and bias that encourage intolerance against transgender peo ple.Protection of the TransgenderTransgender refers to gender identity that is not similar to the sex assigned at birth, usually related to a bodily structure that is observable. This is where a person portrays an identity that is not the same to the anatomical structure. The media hype is justified in that the transgender protection measures will help safeguard this group of people who may be discriminated against and the possible victims of aggression by potential predators (Schuster et al, 2016).There have been claims that criminals who may want to take advantage of state laws covering transgender persons are likely to attack children and women in washrooms. However, there is no evidence of an increase in such attacks despite the existence of anti-discrimination protection laws for many years. Transgender is not a mental illness; it is simply their perception of themselves, different from what they were at birth.The stress and discrimination that comes about because of their gen der identity can be han...