Thursday, September 3, 2020

Fall Of Rome Essay Example For Students

Fall Of Rome Essay TROY HOGGARDMr. TerryMay 25, 199710th gradeROMEIntroductionRome otherwise called the antiquated city was the capital of the best domain of the old world. It was an incredible and prosperous city that was loaded up with at any rate one million individuals. Numerous individuals accept that the stature of the city of Rome arrived at its tallness close to the time that head constantius the second had seen it just because. At the point when he had seen all the sights, for example, the asylum of Jupiter capitolinus, the open showers, the arena and the carnival maximus and the arch of the pantheon. And afterward once he saw the gathering worked by Trajan he began to whine pretty much the entirety of the superb stories he was recounted about Rome and those accounts were not giving Rome enough credit. Julius CaesarJulius Caius Caesar lived from a faulty 102? Before Christ44 before Christ , Julius Caesar was a roman legislator and a general. Julius caeser was naturally introduced to the Julian Gens family one of the most established privileged families in Rome, Julius Caesar was consistently an individual from the vote based or otherwise called the mainstream party. In 82 Before Christ., Sulla censured Julius Caesar, who fled from Rome when Sulla kicked the bucket in 78 Before Christ. Julius Caesar returned back to Rome and started his political profession as an individual from the well known gathering. In 69 Before C. Julius Caesar helped Pompey to acquire the incomparable order for the war in the East. When Julius Caesar came back to Rome from Spain in 68 Before Christ he made perhaps the best commitment to history the Julian schedule. In 60 Before Christ Julius Caesar sorted out an association that was known as the First ternion, comprised of Pompey, officer and head of the mili tary, Marcus Licinius Crassus the wealthiest individual in Rome, and Julius Caesar himself. In the years 58 to 49 Before Christ Julius Caesar made his notoriety in the Gallic wars. Caesar made investigations into Britain in 55 and 54 Before Christ and crushed the Britains. Before the finish of the Gallic wars Julius Caesar had decreased all of Gaul to Roman control. The clashes of the Gallic wars Julius Caesar one of the best military commandants ever built up the individual commitment of the Roman armies to him self. Crassuss demise in 53 Before Christ finished the First Triad and put Pompey and Caesar at every others throats. In 50 Before Christ the senate requested Caesar to scatter his military, however two tribunes devoted to Caesar, 1.Marc Antony and Quintus Cassius Longinus, vetoed the bill. They fled to Caesar, who gathered his military and got the help of the officers against the senate. On Jan. 19, 49 Before Christ, Caesar crossed the Rubicon, the stream holding his territ ory from entering Italy, when he crossed this stream the common war started. Julius Caesars walk to Rome was a triumphant one loaded up with satisfaction and happiness in the Romans part in spite of the fact that I cannot state that for the Italians. At Pharsala in 48 B.C., Caesar crushed Pompey, when he was vanquished he fled to Egypt, where he was executed by Julius Caesar . Caesar, having sought after Pompey to Egypt, stayed there for quite a while, living with Cleopatra who lived from 69 Before Christ30 Before Christ she was the sovereign of Egypt, and one of the most notable courageous women of history. Cleopatra was The little girl of Ptolemy the eleventh, Cleopatra was constrained by custom wed her more youthful sibling Ptolemy the twelth. By rebelling against Ptolemy the twelth with the assistance of Julius Caesar, Cleopatra won the realm of Egypt in spite of the fact that Egypt stayed a thugs of Rome. After Cleopatras spouse kicked the bucket, she wedded another sibling, Pt olemy the thirteenth yet during this time she was the special lady of Julius Caesar, and in Rome she had a child of which she named Caesarion later named as Ptolemy the fourteenth she said was his own child. On Julius Caesars come back to Rome, he set about revamped the everyday environments of the individuals by passing Agrarian laws and furthermore by improving the lodging of the Romans . In 44 Before Christ he became despot forever. This implied until he kicked the bucket he would possess and

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Gene Therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Quality Therapy - Essay Example Quality treatment utilizes a vector which capacities to convey DNA inside body cells subsequent to bundling. The DNA, once in the body through the vector goes into the circulation system then into cells lastly is fused into a chromosome. Be that as it may, stripped DNA approaches have been viewed as excessively more so in the field of antibody improvement. When implanted in the patient’s framework, the DNA is communicated by the cell apparatus, prompting the creation of remedial protein which revises the patient’s condition. Accentuation lies on regulating a quality that will make a protein be communicated and that the patient explicitly needs. What's more, with the advances in information on nuclease works in people, there have started investigations into methods of consolidating qualities that encode nucleases into chromosomes. The communicated nucleases at that point disturb the qualities causing the ailment by ‘editing’ the chromosome (Giacca, 2010). The idea of quality treatment was first idea conceivable in 1972 yet alert was beseeched particularly concerning its application/experimentation on people. In 1990, be that as it may, Ashanti DeSilva turned into the principal beneficiary of quality treatment in the United States for ADA-SCID. Early disbeliefs emerged with a few introductory clinical disappointments with many seeing quality treatment as an over-evaluated methodology however triumphs since 2006 have seen many recover their confidence in this new type of treatment. More than 2,000 recorded clinical preliminaries have so far been performed on people. These incorporate effective treatment of ailments, for example, numerous myeloma, Parkinson’s infection, Leber’s intrinsic amaurosis, adrenoleukodystrophy, hemophilia, ADA-SCID, constant lymphocytic leukemia and intense lymphocytic leukemia. With such victories, numerous administrations and organizations (particularly look into foundations) have kept on contrib uting much more on quality treatment. As of late, Glybera turned into the primary quality treatment strategy to be grasped in Europe and the

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Write a College Term Paper

How to Write a College Term PaperStudents often wonder how to write a college term paper. Writing a term paper is a lot like writing a thesis. The two are similar in many ways but they are two different beasts.College term paper is really an essay that is done at the last minute so the last person knows when it's due. The teacher or professor only get to see it after it's been written. This means that you can be late to class and you can get an F on your term paper.Now that you know how to write a college term paper, let's get down to business. A good plan for writing a term paper includes writing the paper on the date before the semester starts. Write the paper on a regular schedule so that you will have a chance to revise the material at least once in the middle of the semester. Many professors are very picky about who they let write their term papers.A good way to get an idea of how to write a term paper is to write one using word-processing software. You can also use a laptop com puter but if you do that you have to remember to bring your laptop with you. You will have to turn it off, shut it off, and let it be charged when you are not using it. You also need to shut it off during class.There are many students who prefer this type of paper because it is very easy to write and easy to read. It is also very hard to get into trouble if you write the wrong way. Make sure to make your paper flow and keep it organized. You should be able to go back and check for mistakes at any time.Howto write a college term paper may seem difficult to many students. They are afraid to try their hand at this type of paper because they are afraid they will be bad students because they can't do the assignment. Sometimes it can take a lot of practice to get used to writing a term paper but it doesn't have to be as hard as some people think. It is all about trying to make it easier.When I ask students how to write a college term paper, I often ask them what they would do in their fir st year of college. Some say they would study more and perhaps take some independent study courses. Others say they would start by doing some research and read the newspaper. That way they could get a good understanding of the news and what is going on.If they did this they would probably have to take some English classes too. It might be a good idea to take some English classes if you can. If you don't want to take classes, you might want to try writing a term paper on your own. You can either go to class or write it on your own.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Gender Identity Development Research Assignment Papaer - 550 Words

Gender Identity Development Research Assignment Papaer (Essay Sample) Content: TransgenderNameInstitutionGender Identity DevelopmentGender identity development is the process where humans learn as toddlers or preschool at the first stage of gender development. The children at the second stage learn the describable characteristics and the interaction aspects of their gender and finally, gender identity being reinforced in them. This can be in the form of transgender, bisexual, among other forms of gender. The gender that is of concern, in this case, is transgender, which refers to an individual whose gender identity and expression do not align with their assigned sex.The first article relates to the gender identity development in that, the article is about a case in a North Carolina about a state law which proposes to stop transgender people from using bathrooms in government buildings and public schools that is similar to the transgender orientation. Transgender, in this case, are the people whose gender characteristics, personality traits do no t follow those that are related to the gender to which they were allocated at birth (Morgan, 2013).The transgender sometimes accepts their status feelings; others feel ashamed or confused and dissatisfied with the gender assigned to them at birth (Schuster et al, 2016). Because of this, the transgender requires treatment that is gender-assuring to eliminate discrimination or violence that they may encounter in these facilities so as to protect their privacy. The relationship of the article and the gender identity development is that both act to make aware and protect the gender orientation of the individuals privacy.Gender identity development should encourage learning of gender orientation to use the public bathroom or restroom relating to their sex as at birth. However, laws like North Carolinas, give the perception that the transgender is not recognized at workplaces or schools thereby strengthening the fear, prejudice, and bias that encourage intolerance against transgender peo ple.Protection of the TransgenderTransgender refers to gender identity that is not similar to the sex assigned at birth, usually related to a bodily structure that is observable. This is where a person portrays an identity that is not the same to the anatomical structure. The media hype is justified in that the transgender protection measures will help safeguard this group of people who may be discriminated against and the possible victims of aggression by potential predators (Schuster et al, 2016).There have been claims that criminals who may want to take advantage of state laws covering transgender persons are likely to attack children and women in washrooms. However, there is no evidence of an increase in such attacks despite the existence of anti-discrimination protection laws for many years. Transgender is not a mental illness; it is simply their perception of themselves, different from what they were at birth.The stress and discrimination that comes about because of their gen der identity can be han...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Addiction Is A Chronic Brain Disease - 1757 Words

Addiction is a chronic brain disease that often results in some sort of relapse. Addiction is characterized by inability to control drug use which results in problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships. This disease causes compulsive behaviors such as the need to use drugs despite the many harmful consequences that affect the addicted individual and those around him or her. Although for most people, the initial decision to use drugs is a one time lapse in judgement, the brain is easily affected by these drugs if the person decides to use these drugs multiple times. The changes that occur to the brain over time will cause the addicted person’s ability to resist the intense impulses of drugs to be altered causing the addict to often give into the temptation of these drugs. Like other chronic diseases, addiction often involves cycles of relapse and remission. Without treatment or engagement in recovery activities, addiction is progressive and can result i n disability or premature death. Drug addiction is an issue that many people deal with whether they are the addict or the addict is their loved one; but with a good source of support anyone can over come the challenges and consequences of addiction. There are many factors such as biology, environment and development that results in the persons initial introduction into the world of drugs. Drug abuse may start as a way to socially connect. More often than not people try drugs for the first time in socialShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Drug Addiction952 Words   |  4 Pagesthe eventual drug addiction is essentially involuntary. Drug addiction is a complex and chronic disease, a brain disease, which changes the way the brain functions. Drug addiction, much like chronic illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes, disrupts healthy, normal functioning organs. This has harmful consequences that are both preventable and treatable (Branch, 2011, pp.263-265). Drug addiction is considered a brain disease as drugs change the brain structure and how the brain operates. TheseRead MoreThe Perception Of Drug Addiction Essay1712 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction There is a wide-range reaction about drug addiction today in society. Illicit drug use continues to be a major social issue all over the world. Drug addiction defines a â€Å"chronic, relapsing brain disorder that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences† (Kuhar, 2010:453 ). Research has shown that decades have passed since the clinical population has accepted addiction as a disease instead of a series of bad choices. Nevertheless, specific group affiliationRead MoreA Critical Look At Brain Disease1371 Words   |  6 PagesCritical Look at Brain Disease Addiction, such as drug or alcohol addiction, is explained by a Dr. Nora Volkow in a HBO series on addiction as a disease of the brain that translates into abnormal behavior. This disease is known as brain disease which refers to disruptions in the brain s motivational and reward circuitry that results from the cumulative effect of repeated use of certain substances. The documentary, Addiction, drove home the point that drug addiction is a brain disease that is aRead MoreAddiction : The Problem Of Addiction Essay1198 Words   |  5 PagesAddiction Students stroll in to class, their Venti iced soy vanilla lattes in hand rather than a notebook and pen. Keurig coffeemakers are commonplace in college dorm rooms. Colleges boast the number of Starbucks shops they have on campus. Just a month into the school year, and already many students’ bodies are becoming tolerant to caffeine, needing more and more of it to achieve the desired boost of energy, and if not given their fix, rebelling by causing headaches and irritability. Could itRead MoreDrug Addiction Essay822 Words   |  4 Pagestheir drug use simply by choosing to. In reality, drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting usually takes more than good intentions or a strong will. Drugs change the brain in ways that make quitting hard, even for those who want to. Fortunately, researchers know more than ever about how drugs affect the brain and have found treatments that can help people recover from drug addiction and lead productive lives. Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and use that is compulsiveRead MoreHow Drug Use And Addiction878 Words   |  4 PagesDrug use and addiction has always been a topic of discussion for many people. None of it being good nonetheless, but it has been a topic on people’s minds. In our society today there is still a stigma attached to drug users and even worse drug addicts. The feelings are always geared towards shaming the user or addict and not much else. The really divisive idea being if addiction is actually a choice a person makes or if it is a disease. Most knowledge and discussion about this either leans one wayRead MoreDrug Abuse And Addiction : Drugs977 Words   |  4 PagesDrug abuse/addiction Jeremy Graham May 11, 2015 Period, 5 Drug abuse and addiction Drug abuse/addiction is a major problem in Indiana that affects many individual. Several solutions such as rehab and drug classes have been tried. Yet, the best solution is taking drug classes. Many people do not understand why people become addicted to drugs or how drugs change the brain to foster compulsive drug abuse. They mistakenly view drug abuse and addiction as strictly a socialRead MoreA New Paradigm Substance Use Disorder Treatment1656 Words   |  7 Pagesparadigm in Substance Use Disorder Treatment Addiction treatment is a complex and paradoxical issue. Despite the fact that most of the medical and academic institutions define addiction as a chronic brain disease, it is too often treated on an acute basis. Chronic conditions are defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as requiring ongoing management over a period of years or decades and cover a wide range of health problems. The goals of chronic care are not to cure, but to enhance functionalRead MoreDrug Addiction Argumentative Essay977 Words   |  4 Pages7-22-2012 Argumentative Essay: Addiction is a choice Alcohol and illicit drug consumption are all too prevalent today in high schools, colleges, and all across the globe. Students seeking to fit in or forget about the repetitiveness of school and homework have a tendency to experiment. Drug addiction is known by the scientific community to be a psychological condition based on excessive, obsessive, and compulsive actions. Once that regular user crosses the line into addiction their only concern is theirRead MoreThe Disastrous Effects Of Parental Drug Addiction On Children1478 Words   |  6 PagesThe Disastrous Impact of Parental Drug Addiction on Children Drug addiction is a serious issue in not only America today, but globally. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, substance addiction is a â€Å"chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite the harmful consequences† (â€Å"What is drug addiction?†). Drug abuse affects not only the user, but those around the user as well. The actions of a drug user place a significant amount of worry

Abolish Death Penalty Essay Example For Students

Abolish Death Penalty Essay By: Doolittle E-mail: emailprotected The Debate over the merits of capital punishment has endured for years, and continues to be an extremely indecisive and complicated issue. Adversaries of capital punishment point to the Marshalls and the Millgards, while proponents point to the Dahmers and Gacys. Society must be kept safe from the monstrous barbaric acts of these individuals and other killers, by taking away their lives to function and perform in our society. At the same time, we must insure that innocent people such as Marshall and Millgard are never convicted or sentenced to death for a crime that they did not commit. Many contend that the use of capital punishment as a form of deterrence does not work, as there are no fewer murders on a per- capita basis in countries or states that do have it, then those that do not. In order for capital punishment to work as a deterrence, certain events must be present in the criminals mind prior to committing the offence. The criminal must be aware that others have been punished in the past for the offence that he or she is planning, and that what happened to another individual who committed this offence, can also happen to me. But individuals who commit any types of crime ranging from auto theft to 1st-Degree Murder, never take into account the consequences of their actions. Deterrence to crime, is rooted in the individuals themselves. Every human has a personal set of conduct. How much they will and will not tolerate. How far they will and will not go. This personal set of conduct can be made or be broken by friends, influences, family, home, life, etc. An individual who is never taught some sort of restraint as a child, will probably never understand any limit as to what they can do, until they have learned it themselves. Therefore, capital punishment will never truly work as a deterrent, because of human nature to ignore practised advice and to self learn. There are those who claim that capital punishment is in itse lf a form of vengeance on the killer. But isnt locking up a human being behind steel bars for many years, vengeance itself? And is it humane that an individual who took the life of another, should receive heating, clothing, indoor plumbing, 3 meals a day, while a homeless person who has harmed no one receives nothing? Adversaries of capital punishment claim that it is far more humane then having the state take away the life of the individual. In February 1963, Gary McCorkell, a 19 year old sex offender, was scheduled to hang. But just days before his execution, the then Liberal cabinet of Lester Person commuted McCorkell to life in prison. Less than 20 years later, McCorkell was arrested, tried, and convicted for the kidnapping and rape of a 10-year old Tenessee boy. He was sentanced to 63 years in prison. Prior to leaving Canada, he was sought by Metro Police in the attempted murder of an 11-year old boy. What has been gained by this? Had McCorkell been executed in 1963, two boys w ould never have had to have gone through the horror of being sexually abused. These individuals may themselves become sex offenders, as many sex offenders were sexually abused as children. McCorkell may have been a victim of sexually assualt in the past, but that does not justify what he did. He did not do this once, he killed two boys, and assaulted two others, leaving one for dead. He knew exactly what he was doing. What right does this man have to live? He has ruined the lives of 4 children, what will he do in life that will compensate for that? What kind of a life would the state have been taking away in this case? An innocent life? A forgiving life? No, a life that was beyond the realm of reform, and did not care to be. We must be careful. We must be very careful to never, even when suspicion may cause considerable doubt, send an innocent person to be executed. It could have happened to David Millgard, it could have happened to Donald Marshall. It probably has even occured nume rous times in the history of the earth. But with proper police investigations, and where the evidence shows that the individual is a threat to the peace of society as long as he or she is alive, capital punishment must be used. 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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Why You Need To Have A Sample College Term Paper PDF

Why You Need To Have A Sample College Term Paper PDFA sample college term paper PDF can be of immense use to you when it comes to student paper writing. This type of paper is used in various types of colleges and it is considered to be one of the essential college activities.There are certain benefits that you can get from a sample college term paper PDF. First of all, you get to write an essay without having to do any difficult techniques or styles. Moreover, you get to use only free fonts.Paper writing is a process of organizing words that are supposed to be presented in different ways. These papers can be your choice when you want to impress your professor. You can choose any type of paper. However, you should be very careful with it because the main goal of this activity is to get first grade.If you do not write a paper properly then you will never get the required grade and the instructor will give out very bad marks to your class. You need to be very careful about how you do yo ur assignments so that you get the necessary grades.Paper writing is also one of the most important things that you need to do before you start your course. You need to have a proper idea of what you are supposed to write down. In fact, the professor will also help you in picking up topics that you are supposed to write about.It is necessary for you to know how to write a paper in order to give proper ideas and thoughts. You need to keep it simple and straight to the point. You also need to know the different strategies that you can use so that you can get the required marks.It is also very essential for students grade their papers properly. Students sometimes take too much time in writing their papers instead of concentrating on other important things that they need to do. They should start their papers after three o'clock in the morning.If you are going to submit your paper, you need to use quality paper. This will ensure that you get the right grade. You can get a sample college term paper PDF from any of the online websites that offer online tutorial in online classes.